
Finding Your PASSION for Life…..

Reflections, experiences, and stories to ponder as you grow into your power, embrace the world as it is, and explore what can be and how you can help make it happen.

Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

Living Fearlessly? HA!

There is a lot of talk now a days about living a fearless life…. Taking on things fearlessly and eliminating your fears. Really??? The biological directive that has kept us alive and evolving for millennia is just to somehow be thrown out the window? Ha ha… yeah, right. That’s called override and it may work for the particular situation you are currently in, but it will resurface as soon as you have a new challenge.

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

Change Is a Sacred Act

Change is often hard. Sometimes we resist. Sometimes we fight tooth and nail to hold on to things as they are. But change is part of life. Change is what helps us grow. Let’s take a moment and look at change as if it were a sacred act…

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

Wisdom Stories

What comes to mind when you hear “wisdom stories”? Do you think of parables, proverbs, and fables? Perhaps you think of a guru or leader whose words and stories passed on important revelations and insights. But what if I told you that you have wisdom stories to share? Have you considered that your experiences matter and could help someone else? Let’s explore that a bit….

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

The Words that Bind Us

“The words that bind us” – What comes to mind when you hear that? Do you think of connection, family, caring, community? Or did you think of the flip side – words that bind us up inside - Words that have such an ingrained meaning that we may have a physical response, such as a shutter, an anxious inhale, or perhaps an eye roll. Let’s explore our words and how they can bind us together or restrict us from our best selves….

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

A Glimpse Is Not Enough

We’ve all been there – You pass a dad in the grocery store and his child is being helpful and courteous and you think to yourself, “What a lovely child. What a good father!” Then, a few isles over, you pass a mom with her child sitting in the cart – only this time, the child is SCREAMING,….

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

Celebrating Failure

COMING SOON - What have you failed in recently? What did you learn from it? Failures are seen by our society as something to hide from, be ashamed of, or avoid at all costs. But what good is there in that? It’s in our failures that we often learn and grow the most. Let’s explore failure for a few minutes and consider a new outlook on this typically uncomfortable topic.

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Amber Peterson Amber Peterson

Walls or Boundaries?

COMING SOON - Why do we need to distinguish between walls and boundaries? They’re pretty much the same thing, right? Well, yes and no. Both are meant to protect us, yes. But walls come from a place of fear. Boundaries, on the other hand,……

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